5 Important Reasons to Buy Organic (+ Money Saving Tips)
I get asked this question all the time, “How important is it to buy organic?” In my opinion, it’s a lot more important than most of us realize for a few very critical reasons. It can be more expensive up front, but not when you look at the long-term costs of damaged health and the environmental consequences. Here are my top 5 reasons why buying organic is a must, and tips to save some of your hard-earned dollars.
1. It’s very well documented the health impact of eating conventionally grown and raised meat and produce. They are loaded with health damaging chemicals, toxic heavy metals, hormones, steroids and GMOs that accumulate in our bodies and can eventually cause life threatening diseases, even if they don’t seem to affect you negatively at the time (it will catch up to you). Although our bodies are amazingly capable of ridding itself of toxins, we simply weren’t built to withstand the dramatic increases in toxins we’re continuing to be exposed to. Our livers and systems are severely overburdened and can’t keep up.
Most people who switch to organic produce and meat and avoid processed foods often realize many of their aches, pains and health symptoms have greatly diminished or disappeared. Most report an increase in energy and stamina, losing excess weight, improved sleep and mood, and feeling better overall. There is often a marked improvement in blood tests and lab work.
2. Animals raised in the horrific conditions in CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations) are treated extremely inhumanely, raised on an unnatural and unhealthy diet and live in constant fear and pain (animals DO feel physical and emotional pain). The pain and fear they endure produces excess adrenaline and cortisol, which negatively affects us when we eat it. The extreme low vibrational energy of that pain and fear also lowers our energic frequency when we consume it. I’m not talking about energy level, as in the “pep in your step,” although it does affect that as well. I’m talking about the way it affects your chi or prana (life force energy and vitality), your own personal vibrational frequencies. Ethically, and on a karmic and energetic level, as well as being damaging to your health, I personally see no good reason to consume conventionally raised meat and dairy, but there’s plenty of reasons not to. (Hint: Fake, lab-created meat is FAR from healthy and is not the answer! And many vegan meat substitutes are loaded with toxic flavor enhancers and GMOs. There are healthy ways and very unhealthy ways to go vegan.)
I’m not saying you have to completely give up eating meat and animal products. If you intend on eating it, please be very conscientious of where it is coming from and how it was raised and consider minimizing your use. I’m blessed to have the convenience of being able to buy organic, pasture raised, happy, healthy beef from my brother that raises them with love and care. Check around with your local farmers and ranchers for available options in your area, or check with your locally owned butcher shops and health food stores for organic meat and dairy (please support small businesses and mom-n-pop shops!!).
Backyard chickens are easy and fun to raise and well worth it for the wonderful fresh eggs (we’ve also butchered for meat after they’ve lived a good life). Their eggs taste much better and are so much healthier than you can buy at the store, and you know they’re raised with love. They also keep bugs down, naturally fertilize the yard with their droppings (and a great source of nitrogen for the garden) and are fun and entertaining. Although we have a great source of organic meat, we choose to keep our animal consumption minimal and always say a prayer of gratitude for the life that was given. I believe all life is sacred and should be respected and honored.
My grandkids call me “Chicken Grandma” because of our backyard “girls”. They are happy and well-loved with over two acres to roam.
3. Not only is conventionally grown and raised food unhealthy and ethically corrupt, as noted above, it comes down to the supply and demand we learned in high school economics class. Big Ag produces more and more feed lots, GMOs and junk food as there’s a growing demand for it. Our beautiful land and rainforests around the globe are being destroyed to make room for more feed lots, creating devastating repercussions to the delicate balance of our ecosystem around the world; it affects us all. More of our land is being destroyed to make room to grow massive monocrops of grains to feed those animals, in which topsoil is eroding at alarming rates and is being stripped of nutrients, therefore causing the need to dump more chemicals, which further poisons us and robs our bodies of nutrients. It’s a vicious cycle that takes us farther down the path of disease and self-destruction. For more information, check out my post on Why Big Biz is NOT Designed to Keep You Healthy.
4. Because the whole system works on supply and demand, we have the ability to change the trajectory by choosing NOT to be a willing participant. We vote with our dollars every time we buy organic over conventional. Not only that, ORGANIC FARMERS NEED OUR SUPPORT!! They don’t have the support of government funding and subsidies. The government makes it very difficult and expensive to become certified, and organic farming is far more labor intensive. The odds are stacked against them as they struggle to survive and make a modest living. They don’t do it to get rich, they do it because of principle…they believe in it. America was founded on free enterprise and small businesses; it’s the backbone of our country and they need and deserve our support.
5. Buy locally grown when you can. It’s not only important to support your local organic growers for the reasons mentioned above, but the food is so much fresher, more nutritious and flavorful, and it reduces the carbon footprint when it doesn’t have to travel long distances. It strengthens the community economically when we support our local business owners, as well as building comradery and trust as we get to know our neighbors and community members. There are also health advantages to eating what’s in season locally.
Check out your local Farmer’s Markets. Get to know them and ask questions about their farming practices. Because it’s so difficult and expensive to become “certified organic” many local growers can’t afford to jump through all those hoops but still use good clean, organic, sustainable growing practices. You’re still getting fresh, nutrient dense, top quality food but there’s often a price savings over ones that have gone through the certification process. Many local growers have subscription delivery services available as well, providing a variety of fresh fruits and veggies delivered to your doorstep every week. This gives you a chance to try some things you may not have had before. They often come with information and recipes to use and prepare the items in the box.
Check out your local Farmer’s Markets and support your local organic growers and businesses. They need our support now more than ever!!
I know what some of you are thinking…the caveat to buying organic is that it’s usually so much more expensive! Yep, it seems ridiculous that the government subsidizes dangerously unhealthy, heavily sprayed GMO foods and junk food and makes organic farmers jump through unending hoops that cost them thousands of dollars, time and headaches. (The government is obviously NOT looking out for our health and best interest.) I totally get it that it’s more of your hard-earned dollars to spend on food, especially if you struggle to make ends meet. Believe me, I’ve been there! But you’re either going to pay a little more now to eat healthy, or you’ll pay in a BIG way later with deteriorating health or a sudden health crisis, potential loss of work and piling medical bills. It’s your choice, sweet pea.
But…there are ways to eat healthy on a budget. I’m the queen of making a dollar stretch, and I’ll be sharing tips, recipes and ideas in future posts. But for now, I’ll share with you my little shopping guide: The Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen. This is a list that the Environmental Working Group comes out with every year after testing various fruits and veggies for pesticide contamination. Those on the Dirty Dozen list have the most harmful pesticides and chemicals, so I always try to buy those organic. The ones listed on the Clean 15 aren’t as heavily sprayed or don’t absorb as much, so I usually don’t buy these organic unless the prices are comparable, as my budget allows. You’ll want to keep this list handy when you go shopping. I keep the list in my phone to refer to. Here is the link. It’s not an extensive list so I’m also including a link to the EWG’s current full list.
The best option, if you have the time, space and ability to do so, consider growing your own! I’ve grown an organic vegetable garden large enough to feed my family, preserve plenty to get us through the winter, and enough to share with friends, neighbors and local food banks ever since my early twenties when I’ve had a family to feed (we have 6 kids between my husband and I, and now their partners and two grandchildren). I grew up helping my grandparents with their garden that fed us, and helping my mother can and preserve. There’s nothing better than fresh-picked produce and knowing exactly what went into it, or having a fully stocked pantry and freezer to get us through the winter. Check out my post on 10 Reasons to Grow A Garden. I know it’s not for everyone, but consider growing a tomato plant in a pot on the patio or a few herbs in a window sill. It’s so rewarding to eat what you’ve grown yourself when you’re able to. I have a three-part series to get you started growing your own veggies and herbs. Check them out here: Pt. 1: Plan and Prepare, Pt. 2: Gardening Methods, Pt. 3: Planting Tips
So, have I convinced you? It’s up to all of us to be the change we wish to see in the world. There is strength in numbers but it takes each of us individually to commit to our health and the health of the planet. It doesn’t take perfection, just baby steps in the right direction. You got this!!
Disclaimer: This is intended for general and educational purposes only and reflects my personal opinions over years of my own research and education. I do my best to provide accurate and current information but cannot guarantee the degree of accuracy. I strongly encourage you to do your own research and consult with your medical doctor before making any drastic dietary or lifestyle changes. I am not a licensed physician nor am I acting in the capacity of a licensed medical professional. My role as a Coach is complementary and separate from medical treatment or advice, acting as a guide and mentor to help you reach your personal health and wellness goals. Please do not stop taking your medications without consulting your doctor. Please read my full disclaimer here.