Join me for a one hour complimentary consultation to discuss your unique situation and determine how I can help you reach your personal goals. I provide a supportive environment while exploring what works for you to create your personalized program.
Wondering what to expect at your first appointment? Read about it here.
Reiki is a method of energy healing. It works with the body’s seven main chakras (energy centers) which can become blocked, sluggish or out of balance. When the flow of energy becomes stagnate, physical pain and illness begin to develop.
In today’s fast paced, stressful and toxic world most of us move through life mostly shut down. Emotional issues and trauma that have not been addressed such as anger, fear, guilt and unforgiveness lower our vibrational frequency and cause imbalances.
As a Certified Usui Reiki Master/Teacher and Crystal Reiki Master, I can assist with both opening up the energy channels and offer techniques to help you release the emotional issues that caused the blocks in the first place.
From my experience, nothing really “goes right” in life when spiritually disconnected. It’s the difference between feeling like you’re constantly swimming against the current as opposed to being in the flow. It’s the small, daily habits and spiritual practices, such as mindfulness, gratitude, prayer and meditation that keep you grounded, reduce stress, heighten your intuition and connection to your higher purpose, and can be so transformative in all areas of life.
What you put out into the Universe always comes back to you. We all project our own unhealed “stuff” (our stories and beliefs that are often just below our conscious awareness) onto others and the world around us. In order to change your outer experience, it has to start in your inner world, your mind. I teach universal truths that are common threads throughout most spiritual systems: love, compassion and forgiveness. The concepts are simple, but it’s not always easy to implement. I can teach you how.
Did you know that most medical schools teach very little, if any, about nutrition? And did you know that special interest groups fund many of the studies and research on health? There is very little funding and money to be made in preventative medicine through nutrition, herbs, energy healing and other natural remedies, while there are billions to be made in pharmaceuticals.
With so many specialized fields of modern western medicine, they simply aren’t looking at the whole picture of what’s going on in the body, but instead just treat the symptoms by pushing more drugs, which in turn cause side effects and often more problems. This allopathic approach does nothing to get to the root cause!
As a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I am your personal advocate for living an energized, passionate, healthy life. I help you weed through the misinformation, confusing food labels and overwhelm. I compassionately listen to what’s going on in every area of your life and use a collaborative, flexible approach that empowers you to create balance and well-being. Together we can discover food and lifestyle choices that best support you. Making gradual, lifelong changes enables you to reach your current and future health goals.
For thousands of years people have used plants, herbs, and the bounty the land has provided for food and medicine. The wisdom and knowledge of their use has been passed down through the generations all throughout time and in every culture.
The era in which we now live has been taken over by technology, electronics, pharmaceuticals and a fast and stressful pace. The connection we once had with nature has substantially diminished. But there are simple ways to regain that connection, and it’s so important! It’s vital for our own health and well-being, for the planet, and for future generations.
While these technological advancements have their place and have made life more convenient, it has caused us to get very out of balance and disconnected in many areas. We are bombarded by toxins everywhere! Pesticides, GMOs, household chemicals, EMF pollution from electronics, the list is endless!
As an ongoing student of Holistic Herbalism and an avid Organic Gardener I have a passion for getting back to our roots in nature. I teach and empower women to take a proactive role in their health and the health of their families. I offer herbal and natural solutions and alternatives to the highly toxic, chemicalized everyday products we have become so used to using.
Do you ever wish you had a road map or instruction manual for your life? I believe we are given tools to guide us through life, giving us little hints and insights, and the Cards of Destiny system is one of those tools. The Cards of Destiny is a very powerful and accurate system both for prediction and self-understanding, based on the day you were born.
I have the experience of interpreting these influences and personalizing it to what’s going on in your life, focusing on the areas that are of most interest to you. When there are opportunities present, I let you know how to maximize the benefits. And when there are difficult influences present, I teach you ways to help offset challenges and avoid pitfalls. I provide practical action steps to keep you on track. It’s a report that you’ll want to regularly refer to throughout your year. A Cards of Destiny reading and report is a great gift you can give yourself or a loved one.
Do you have areas of your life where you feel stuck? Whether it’s confidence, relationships, money, or any number of things, PSYCH-K can dramatically shift those blocks. Our stories about ourselves and the world around us start at a very young age and are stored in our subconscious mind, often just below the level of our conscious awareness, making them difficult to change. PSYCH-K is a simple process of releasing those beliefs and creating new ones in order to break through the blocks and create the life you want with much more ease.
PSYCH-K is a collaborative method that defines what it is you want to believe and create in your life, balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain in order to rewire it with a new belief statement, and action steps to put the new beliefs into practice. The balances create a whole-brain state, which in turn acts as a gateway to higher consciousness. This elevated thinking capacity leads to new levels of creativity and problem solving. The effects can be quite profound and immediate.