Steps to Healing the Inner Child

The mind of a child has a very limited understanding and perception of the world and internalizes everything that happens, causing him/her to take on humiliation, guilt and shame. It often takes reconnecting to that wounded part of us, the child within, and “re-parenting” that sweet, innocent child, showing her the love, patience, compassion and support that she was lacking early on.

Garden Joy: Musings in my Garden

I wrote this a few years ago, spontaneously from my heart as I was working in the garden. I’ve been gardening for over 30 years and I still feel this way whenever I step into this sacred space. I believe we have an obligation to be good stewards of the Earth and I’ve taken this calling seriously, to the best of my ability and with pleasure. Through the darkest times in my life, I sought refuge and relief in my garden; it was my therapy.

5 Important Reasons to Buy Organic (+ Money Saving Tips)

I get asked this question all the time, “How important is it to buy organic?” In my opinion, it’s a lot more important than most of us realize for a few very critical reasons. It can be more expensive up front, but not when you look at the long-term costs of damaged health and the environmental consequences. Here are my top 5 reasons why buying organic is a must, and tips to save some of your hard-earned dollars.

Why Big Biz is NOT Designed to Keep You Healthy

The rise in a long and growing list of various diseases, depression, cognitive decline and all kinds of mystery symptoms and illnesses have skyrocketed in direct correlation to the deplorable, unethical and unsustainable farming practices and overuse of pharmaceuticals. And to add insult to injury, the government encourages these practices by giving tax cuts and subsidies to these corrupt corporations that have kept many of these farmers prisoners of their systems.

28 Tips for a Better Night's Sleep

Sleep disorders are at epidemic levels. An estimated 50-70 million Americans are chronically sleep deprived! An adequate amount of quality sleep is vital for our physical and mental health, brain function, ability to deal with stress, and overall quality of life. There are several things that can contribute to sleep problems and there are steps you can take to correct it.

Goal Setting Strategies that Keep You Moving Forward and On Track

The majority of New Year’s Resolutions get kicked to the curb by mid-January, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Most of us would never break a promise or vow to a friend, but we break our commitments to ourselves all the time. Let this be the year that you honor your word to yourself. You deserve it. Here are some strategies that’ll keep you focused, committed and moving forward in achieving your goals.

Protecting Your Energy through Times of Stress and Turmoil

2020 is a year of dramatic energy shifts and global upheaval that have most of us in a state of stress, anxiety, fear, grief and anger. Stress wreaks havoc on our health and well-being and dramatically lowers our immune system. It’s important now to make a conscious choice to stay in a state of love, kindness and compassion as much as possible. Here are some ways to ground and shield your energy, especially if you tend to be empathic and deeply feel the energies around you.

Vegetable Gardening, Part 2: Gardening Methods

So you’ve made the decision that this is the year you’re going to start a veggie garden. But there are a few things to do first: choose a location and size for your garden, and choose the method to use. There are several methods depending on the size and space you have and personal preference. I’ve listed a few here with some advantages and disadvantages and a few details to get you started.

Vegetable Gardening, Part 1: Plan and Prepare

There are lots of great reasons to grow your own veggies and herbs but sometimes getting started can be a little daunting. In my 30+ years of gardening experience I’ve learned the hard way with a few things! I hope this will save you the trouble of making the same mistakes I’ve made.

Global Change and Healing

Today is Earth Day. And like the rest of the planet still in the midst of a global pandemic, I’ve had a lot of thoughts and feelings buzzing around my head and heart the last few weeks. We’re in a collective grief on a global scale unlike anything we’ve seen before to this magnitude. And so is our Mother Earth hurting. It’s time to reevaluate and heal ourselves and the planet.

10 Reasons to Grow Your Own Veggies and Herbs

It’s been a crazy last couple years, to say the least. The current uncertainty in the world and inevitable financial repercussions is a big reason to grow at least some of your own food and herbs, even if you have limited time and space and no experience. Here are a few good reasons to grow a garden.

Caring for your Crystals and Minerals

Although crystals have a very stable energy, they’re still susceptible to absorbing negative vibes that can interfere with the crystal’s natural high frequencies. It’s kind of like a radio station that gets knocked out of tune and becomes distorted.

Here are some ways to care for, clear the energy and program your crystals, stones and minerals. I’m all about keeping it simple because I use and clear mine several times a day.

Dealing with Feelings: Steps to Emotional Healing

Experiencing a full range of emotions is what makes us human and it’s necessary for our growth. We truly cannot fully experience joy, peace and unconditional love without experiencing the negative. But it doesn’t mean we have to be stuck in it! We can create our life on purpose by choosing better feeling thoughts and changing our stories. But we first have to be willing to open up to all our feelings and allow them in. Here are some helpful steps for healing emotional pain.

Cards of Destiny: A Roadmap for Your Life

Do you ever wish you had a road map or instruction manual for your life? I believe we are given tools to guide us through life, giving us little hints and insights, and the Cards of Destiny system is one of them. This system is a powerful and accurate system both for prediction and self-understanding. It’s a very complex system with many nuances and underlying influences that teach us much about our own personalities, our major life lessons, and our past, present and future. When you have these kind of insights and how to offset potential challenges and maximize benefits, it can be a real game changer in your life!

PSYCH-K: Change Your Limiting Beliefs

What areas in life do you feel stuck? Whether it’s confidence, relationships, money, health or any number of things, PSYCH-K can dramatically shift those blocks by rewiring new beliefs into your subconscious mind.

PSYCH-K is a simple process of releasing those beliefs and creating new ones in order to break through the blocks and create the life we want with much more ease. It’s a collaborative method that defines what it is you want to believe and create in your life, balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain in order to “rewire” it with a new belief statement, and then taking action steps to put the new beliefs into practice. The effects can be quite profound and immediate.

Meet Your Coach and Reiki Master, Evie Quinlivan

Did you know that a sense of community and connection is three times more important for living a long, happy life than exercise? We are also more than twice as likely to achieve our goals when we have the support of a coach, accountability partner or tribe of people who inspire us.

My vision is to create a safe and sacred space to share a sense of support and community with a tribe of beautiful souls who are on their own mission of healing and well being. To inspire, encourage, love and lift each other up, and to create a ripple effect that becomes the change we wish to see in the world. 

What to Expect at Your Appointment

Do you ever wish you had someone to talk to about health concerns, relationship issues and personal challenges? Someone who takes the time to truly and compassionately listen and understand? And who has the tools to help you change negative patterns and knows how to support you along your journey? I’ve been there and I get it! I’m here for you and ready to be your biggest cheerleader. And healing can be FUN! Are you ready?