PSYCH-K: Change Your Limiting Beliefs

PSYCH-K: Change Your Limiting Beliefs



I was first introduced to PSYCH-K fairly recently, in 2017, and was fascinated from the start. I’ve been around the weird and wonderful world of energy and emotional healing for a while and I’m familiar with several energy healing techniques (I can think of about a dozen), as well as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique or tapping), Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), EMDR, applied kinesiology and other emotional healing modalities. When I first met the PSYCH-K instructor that was explaining it to me (who is now my friend) I kept asking her, “Oh! So, it’s kinda like (fill-in-the-blank)?” And she would sweetly reply after each thing I mentioned, “Well sort of…but not really.” I’ve come to realize that it’s one of those things you just have to experience to understand.

Of course I immediately took the Basic PSYCH-K Facilitator course, practiced diligently with others in my group, used it with friends and family, then started using it with my clients. I have to admit there was a part of me that wondered if it really worked because it seems almost too simplistic. But so does Reiki…and tapping…and so many other modalities that WORK!!

But if you’ll step back and remember…energy is real and it’s everywhere and in everything. Literally, everything is made up of it, yet we don’t always see it or understand it very well, especially when we think of ourselves as spiritual/energetic beings. This is such a vast, complex universe and our puny little brains (as magnificent as they are!!) can’t begin to comprehend much of it. Our bodies and brains are incredibly complex, but our minds, our consciousness is unfathomable!

Biology of Belief

“When you rewrite the software of your mind, you change the printout of your life… and the world!” says Rob Williams, originator of PSYCH-K. He goes on to explain, “PSYCH-K is a set of principles and processes designed to change subconscious beliefs that limit the expression of your full potential as a spiritual being having a human experience.”

And Bruce Lipton, PhD, world renowned leader in cell biology and pioneer of the study of epigenetics, author of The Biology of Belief, has this to say, “The secret of life is BELIEF. Rather than genes, it’s our beliefs that control our lives. PSYCH-K is a set of simple, self-empowering processes to change your beliefs and perceptions that impact your life at a cellular level.” So you can literally change the expression of your biology, your health and your life, by changing your beliefs. Pretty cool, huh? Your beliefs are that powerful. Everything in your life is a manifestation of your beliefs, thoughts and feelings. If you want to change your life, you HAVE to rewrite all those old stories that keep you stuck in the same old loop.  

PSYCH-K Explained

What areas in life do you feel stuck? Whether it’s confidence, relationships, money, health or any number of things, PSYCH-K can dramatically shift those blocks by rewiring new beliefs into your subconscious mind. Our beliefs and stories about ourselves and the world around us start at a very young age and are stored in our subconscious mind, often just below the level of our conscious awareness, making them difficult to change. PSYCH-K is a simple process of releasing those beliefs and creating new ones in order to break through the blocks and create the life we want with much more ease.

PSYCH-K is a collaborative method that defines what it is you want to believe and create in your life, balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain in order to “rewire” it with a new belief statement, and then taking action steps to put the new beliefs into practice. The balances create a whole-brain state, which in turn acts as a gateway to higher consciousness. This elevated thinking capacity leads to new levels of creativity and problem solving. The effects can be quite profound and immediate.

Applied Kinesiology

Muscle testing, or applied kinesiology, is used in PSYCH-K to test the beliefs of your subconscious and superconscious mind (or Higher Self) that you’re conscious mind is usually not aware of. If you’re not familiar with muscle testing, that alone is a fascinating, practical, and easy to use method once you know how to do it properly.

I had the opportunity to work for a holistic chiropractor and functional medical doctor that used applied kinesiology on a regular basis with his patients (and me) and I was able to see and experience many uses and applications of it first-hand. I was always amazed at the accuracy and efficiency of it, literally saving the patients hundreds and even thousands of dollars in expensive medical testing, all of which could be done with strength testing certain muscle groups.

The purpose of muscle testing is not to see how strong you are, but to measure the difference of a strong response (yes, true, positive, balanced) with a weak response (no, false, negative, out of balance). The muscle that’s tested is used as a barometer for your consciousness, organs, systems and energy centers that are weak or out of balance. When there’s a true or positive statement tested, the muscles will be switched on (strong). When it’s false or negative, the body knows there is stress or abnormal nervous system input so the muscles will be switched off and will not completely lock into place, allowing a wobble or weak response in comparison. It’s similar to a lie detector test in that it’s an autonomic response that we can’t control. (Note: there are exceptions to this. Both the tester and testee can be influenced by personal opinion, attachments and any number of things that I won’t go into here but that can usually be addressed and corrected.)

There are several different applications for applied kinesiology. It can be used to see what organs or physical structures of the body are out of balance or need to be addressed for healing. It can be used for psychological issues and to see what energy pathways are blocked. You can use it to test foods, nutritional supplements and medications to see if they’re good for you and even what dosage to take. The list of possible applications is extensive. In PSYCH-K it’s used to tap into the subconscious and superconscious mind.

Three Levels of Consciousness

PSYCH-K explains that we have three levels to our minds, the SUBconscious (or UNconscious), conscious and SUPERconscious. To briefly explain the difference, our subconscious mind is where our stories, beliefs and old programming from childhood and past experiences are stored, most of which are distorted and untrue and are usually hidden and repressed from our awareness. Those stories are based on the perception of a child that internalizes everything as he/she is trying to figure out where they belong in the world and how to survive. It’s greatly affected by traumatic experiences. These programmed beliefs keep us stuck in old patterns. Scientists estimate that 95% of our thoughts, feelings and behaviors come from our subconscious mind; we’re walking around perpetually on autopilot the vast majority of the time. It’s a very efficient part of our brain that allows us to multitask and do routine things without putting much thought, attention and effort into it. These unconscious beliefs are what make up the majority of our personalities and behaviors.

Our conscious mind is the deliberate, rational, mental processing that makes up our awareness. It’s the intentional part of our mind that includes perceptions, memories, sensations, problem solving and deliberate decision making that takes much more effort and energy. Sigmund Freud used the metaphor of an iceberg; the conscious mind being the small tip of the iceberg you see above the water, while the unconscious is the vast majority you don’t see beneath the sea.

Our superconscious mind is our Higher Self, the part of us that already knows what’s best for us when our conscious mind is clouded by doubt or fear. It’s our higher state of consciousness and internal guidance system that’s sometimes hard to tap into until we get still and listen. It could also be called our intuition or Divine guidance from whatever it is you believe in: God, the Universe, Angels and Spirit Guides.


I find that using PSYCH-K can be very beneficial and effective, complementing nicely with the other work I do with clients. The use of PSYCH-K is included with my coaching packages, to use as much or as little as needed throughout your program. It can also be used as a standalone modality. The number of sessions depends on the issues and how many beliefs need to be shifted for a breakthrough to occur (sometimes three or four sessions is enough). If you’d like to know more about PSYCH-K or any of the work I do, schedule a free consultation and I’ll answer any questions you have. Please contact me here. I can’t wait to meet you!

Note: At this time I ONLY do in-person sessions for PSYCH-K. I do offer personal coaching remotely over Zoom video conferencing.

*This is intended for general and educational purposes only and reflects my personal opinions. I do my best to thoroughly research and provide accurate and current information but cannot guarantee the degree of accuracy. I strongly encourage you to do your own research. The various healing modalities listed above are beneficial and effective for most people but don’t always work well for everyone and I do not guarantee individual results. Please see my full disclaimer here.

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