Cards of Destiny: A Roadmap for Your Life

Cards of Destiny: A Roadmap for Your Life

Do you ever wish you had a road map or instruction manual for your life? I believe we are given tools to guide us through life, giving us little hints and insights, and the Cards of Destiny system is one of them. This system is a powerful and accurate system both for prediction and self-understanding. It’s a very complex system with many nuances and underlying influences that teach us much about our own personalities, our major life lessons, and our past, present and future.  It shows you the periods and areas in your life where you have the most benefits and blessings and other areas in which you have lessons, trials and challenges. When you know these kinds of specifics and how to offset potential challenges and maximize benefits, it can be a real game changer in your life! I was first introduced to this system nearly 20 years ago and I’ve been fascinated and hooked since.


The Cards of Destiny system is an ancient, esoteric science that has been protected and kept secret for many centuries by the mystical Order of the Magi, which has been in existence since before ancient Egyptian times. This system is thought to be over 20,000 years old and has only become public since the 1890s. It’s still relatively unknown but gaining in popularity as people are looking for something to give them guidance in their lives and insights into their own personality and purpose. It’s almost like having an instruction manual for your life, and even deeper, for your soul.

The Science of the Cards

This system uses a regular deck of playing cards, but unlike Tarot or Oracle cards, these have a special position for each year of your life determined by the position the stars and planets were in the day you were born. Your birthday determines your birth or sun card, which makes up your main set of personality traits. There are also secondary personality cards that further influence and color your personality. Each year at your birthday the cards shift to a new yearly position that gives insight into your year.

The Cards are a Calendar

This system has its roots in numerology and astrology, and is actually an ancient calendar. There are many significant relationships with a deck of cards and the many numeric patterns in the universe. There are four suits of thirteen cards each totaling 52. There are 52 weeks in a year. If you add 5 + 2 = 7, seven is the number of days in a week (also a very spiritual number). Based on the Sun, Moon, and the seven visible planets seen in ancient times, the astrologists mapped out 52 cycles that we now call our weeks.

If you add up each of the numbers from all four suits of the cards, counting Jacks as 11, Queens as 12 and Kings as 13 you will get 364. Then add the Joker at one and one-quarter, which represents 1/4 for each suit and 1/4 for itself, you will get 365 1/4 which is the actual number of days in a year.

The twelve cards in the crown line represent the twelve months of the year. The four suits represent the four seasons: Spring (Hearts), Summer (Clubs), Autumn (Diamonds) and Winter (Spades).

The four suits also represent stages in our lives: Hearts are the babies; feelings, family and loved ones, and self-discovery. Clubs are the school children; learning to communicate, gaining knowledge, education and mental pursuits. Diamonds are the adults; career, making money, acquiring things and discovering what they value the most. Spades are the grandparents; the old souls and wise ones who have acquired a lifetime of experiences, now dealing with issues in work and health.

The number on each card has significant meanings as well, so every card in the deck represents specific traits and characteristics, benefits and challenges. The positions each of the cards show up in are significant as well, as the planets each govern a certain area of our lives.

What the Cards Can Tell You

Each year, from birthday to birthday, you have a predetermined set of cards that fall under certain time periods and planetary influences. These cards are like a road map for your year. There are some very blessed and beneficial cards and influences and some challenging ones. They can tell you when it’s a good influence to:

  • Start or expand a business, or change careers

  • Move forward with marketing or creative pursuits

  • Move locations or travel

  • Start a new relationship, get married or the birth of a child

  • Make a major purchase, business contracts, real estate deals or legal matters

  • Overcome health challenges and bad habits

The cards can also tell you if you’re in a cycle of money coming in or going out. They warn of potential disappointment, loss and challenges, and of spiritual cycles that challenge you to let go of attachments or move on from things that are no longer good for you. They can even give you great insight into your relationships: love interests, family members, friends, co-workers and business partners.  

But just like everything in the Universe that vibrates at different frequencies, there is a high and low expression of each of the cards and you are the deciding factor about how it shows up in your life. When you’re spiritually connected, have an attitude of gratitude, do your healing work and stay on a high vibration you can minimize potential challenges and turn them into beautiful opportunities for spiritual growth and self-awareness. And when you have positive influences show up in your cards, you can maximize the benefits by being aware of them and moving forward with your goals, rather than squandering opportunities.  

The opposite is true when you express the low side of the cards. Depending on your attitude, outlook on life, resistance and attachments, challenges can be tough lessons that could potentially be avoided or softened when you get a peek into what’s coming and know how to offset them.

For instance, the low side of a three, regardless of suit, represents worry and indecision. So a 3 of Clubs, for example, represents mental worry, indecision and overthinking (clubs represent mental pursuits and communication). The high side of any three is creativity, so with the example of the 3 of Clubs, any creative expression, such as creative writing, can provide an outlet for the mental chaos and ease the the worry and overthinking.

I have the experience of interpreting these influences and personalizing it to what’s going on in your life. I focus on the areas that are of most interest and concern to you. When there are opportunities present, I let you know how to maximize the benefits. And when there are difficult influences and challenges present, there are ways to help offset challenges and avoid pitfalls, as with the example above. I provide practical action steps to keep you on track. It’s a report that you’ll want to regularly refer to throughout your year. A Cards of Destiny reading and report a great gift you can give yourself or a loved one.

Curious about what the cards say about you? Do you have big decisions coming up or need some guidance to get through some challenges? This system won’t give you all the answers but can help shed some light and give you steps to counterbalance challenges. Contact me for more information here.

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