Meet Your Coach and Reiki Master, Evie Quinlivan

Meet Your Coach and Reiki Master, Evie Quinlivan


Did you know that a sense of community and connection is three times more important for living a long, happy life than exercise? We are also more than twice as likely to achieve our goals when we have the support of a coach, accountability partner or tribe of people who inspire us. A sense of purpose, belonging and connection is more important than most of us realize, and we are living in a time where we are more disconnected than ever.

Loneliness, isolation, and lack of connection or social life contribute to certain diseases, cognitive decline, depression and a shorter life span.

I spent many years of my life isolating myself from others. I was overwhelmed, stressed, severely depressed and anxious. I was 100 pounds overweight, struggled with chronic migraines, digestive issues, and acne. I was too tired most days to function and I couldn’t see a way out.

But it all started changing when I reached out and found a few key people that taught me that life could be so different! These mentors were the turning point I needed to start taking responsibility for my life and health.

I eventually delved into a multitude of classes and programs, read a ton of books, researched and learned all I could about natural and alternative health, nutrition, herbs, energy healing, meditation, stress management, and avoiding toxins and chemicals in our food and environment. I studied neuroscience and how the brain works, how to reprogram your brain to think better feeling thoughts. I studied quantum physics and the way energy works and how to get it to work for you rather than against you. And I put all these things into practice in my own life.

I slowly weaned off antidepressants that I had been on for over 10 years (with the help of a medical professional and therapist). The fog of depression started to lift, and I was losing weight so quickly that I’d be drowning in an outfit I just purchased the week before! I had energy and motivation again. Everything started to change for the better, in ways that I couldn’t anticipate, and my emotional wounds slowly began to heal.

Don’t get me wrong. It certainly wasn’t all Fluffy Bunny Land from there on out. Life’s challenges don’t just disappear. They’re here to teach us and help us grow and evolve, and I did a lot of that.

I was in a loveless marriage for nearly 17 years. Like so many people, we “stuck it out” because we had three kids at home, and I had become dependent on him for so much due to my debilitating depression and anxiety. When it finally ended in a difficult divorce I was forced to face some of my biggest fears and demons, which was actually the best thing that could’ve happened, in hindsight.

About a year after the divorce, I lost my dad to a slow and agonizing illness. My dad and I weren’t always close and we’d had a painful falling out during my divorce, but through the process we had a chance to reconcile and heal old wounds and come to truly understand and forgive each other, which was such a beautiful, bittersweet blessing that I’ll forever be grateful for.

I had some serious issues with my teenagers with mental illness and addiction problems. I had to learn so many painful lessons: tough love, boundaries, letting go of attachments and how to manage my stress levels, fears and feelings of inadequacy. At the time most of this was happening I was working at a funeral home helping grieving families with the loss of their loved ones, while wondering if my daughter would be the next overdose victim like so many of her friend’s families that I’d helped. I choked down emotions at work to maintain professionalism and was completely drained by the time I got home. My faith in God was pushed to the limits. I knew there was nothing else I could do but keep praying, trusting and surrendering to the Creator and asking for faith, strength and guidance. We prayed for miracles and we did experience many miracles and healing, but not always the way we expected it.

After a rocky start to a new marriage where blending families was far more challenging than we could’ve ever anticipated, my husband’s kidneys failed and he was forced to quit working and go on dialysis for 10 hours every single day, at home, in which I became his caregiver. We faced huge changes in our daily lives and routines, up to 10 doctor and care related appointments per week  (I went to all of them), seemingly mountains of paperwork and details, ongoing financial hardships and an uncertain future. But through it all I’ve come to have so many realizations and epiphanies. I turned to God and my Divine Guidance and found my calling. I no longer felt as alone and adrift in a vast sea of uncertainties. I learned to surrender and stop worrying. I’ve grown personally and spiritually more than I could’ve imagined, and the irony is that I found more happiness and peace than ever before, both in spite of and because of my challenges. And I keep doing my growth work, and it keeps getting better.

Through it all I’ve learned to ride the waves of the ebbs and flows of life. Life isn’t supposed to be easy all the time, and that’s actually a good thing! We wouldn’t truly know the joys in life without knowing the contrast and it’s through our hardships and trials that we have the most personal and spiritual growth. When I finally began to rise up and face them head on I turned to support from others who have walked the path before me; I learned to manage my mind and open up and allow all my feelings; I learned to set boundaries, protect my energy, stay grounded and present; and most of all, I surrendered it all to God and chose love, compassion and forgiveness for myself and others. And I’ve realized that nothing has gone wrong…it’s all a prefect part of the human experience that we signed up for!

The bottom line is this. It starts with making a decision and choosing to break the cycle of being sick, tired and stuck. I made that choice; I searched for help and support which changed my life. It got me started on my road to wellness and then life put me through some tests, a chance to prove a few things to myself. And now it is my passion and privilege to be able to teach others to do the same.

My vision is to create a safe and sacred space to share a sense of support and community with a tribe of beautiful souls who are on their own mission of healing and well being. To inspire, encourage, love and lift each other up, and to create a ripple effect that becomes the change we wish to see in the world. 

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PSYCH-K: Change Your Limiting Beliefs

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