Caring for your Crystals and Minerals
Although crystals have a very stable energy, they’re still susceptible to absorbing negative vibes. If you think about the long distances most have traveled, many being mined from various parts of the world and handled by dozens of hands, that adds up to a lot of lower vibrational energy that can interfere with the crystal’s natural high frequencies. It’s kind of like a radio station that gets knocked out of tune and becomes distorted.
Here are some ways to clear the energy of your crystals, stones and minerals. I’m all about keeping it simple because I use and clear mine several times a day, between each session with a client. If you use them for healing, if other people are handling them or there’s been negative energy in the house it’s a good idea to clear them frequently; otherwise once a month is usually enough. If you’re sensitive to energy you can tell when they need to be cleared. The energy will start to feel heavy and not as vibrant.
Clearing Your Crystals
Intention: I think the most important aspect of both clearing and programming your crystals is putting your intention into it. Energy works on intention. So hold the intention in mind of clearing any stagnant or negative energy and infusing it with loving, healing energy. See more about intention below under Programming Your Crystals.
Water: When I first get a new crystal I run it under cool water for a minute or two, then pat it dry. Some minerals are soft, porous or friable that can break or splinter off, especially when submerged in water for an extended period of time, so you’ll want to do your homework and use caution. Most are usually fine in water for a minute or two. If you have access to a natural body of clean, clear water, such as a stream or river, that’s even better.
Selenite: Some crystals never need to be cleared and is effective in clearing others. Selenite is one of those and it’s personally the only one I use for this purpose. I have a big selenite wand, a foot long, next to the crystals that I use with clients. As I take them off my clients I lay them directly on the selenite. I also keep a selenite lamp nearby.
Sound: Sound emits vibrational frequencies which affect the frequencies of crystals, bringing it back into balance. I like this method because you can clear a lot of crystals at once. You’ll want to use a loud, resonating sound, such as a bell, chime, gong or tuning forks, if you have them. The pitch doesn’t matter. I use a Tibetan singing bowl and really get it humming. You can also use your voice, such as chanting. Again, intention is important and it has to be loud and done for at least a minute or two. Note: sound coming from a speaker, such as a song on the radio does not work the same way.
Smoke: This is another method that’s easy for me to use. I always clear the energy in my healing room between clients, usually by burning incense, Palo Santo, sage or other herbs. I make sure the smoke gets all between and around each crystal and stone using small clockwise circles for at least 20 seconds.
Sun or Moon: I personally never set my crystals out in the sun. Some, such as amethyst, easily fade when in direct sunlight. I do sometimes set a few that I use the most under a full moon overnight, but if using any of the above methods, I don’t find it’s necessary. The one reason I like the full moon method is it’s a good reminder that it’s time to clear your crystals. It becomes a habit or ritual that’s done on a regular basis.
Earth, salt or rice: Crystals can be buried in a small dish of salt or rice for about 24 hours, discarding the salt/rice. Or bury in the earth in a corner of your garden or in the soil of a healthy potted plant. Be sure and mark where it’s buried so you can find it again.
Lost Crystals: A Personal Story
Although I don’t often use the above earth method personally, I’ll tell you a story about my husband. Besides always wearing a really cool necklace that he made with various stones that set off a beautiful tourmalated clear quartz point, he carries two or three polished crystals and stones with him daily in his pants pocket, rotating through a few depending on what he’s drawn to for the day.
This has happened now about a half dozen times; he goes to empty his pockets at night and realizes he’s missing one of his stones. He’s always bummed to lose one and we go on a search for it the next few days, retracing his steps as much as possible, but he also knows that sometimes they’re not meant to be with us forever. Sometimes their purpose for us has run its course and it’s time to move on to someone else that may find it and need its energy. (I find that’s very true. I give away a lot of my crystals when I feel like someone else needs it.)
So this is what’s interesting. He could’ve lost it anywhere. He goes to work where he has a very physical job, always moving, up and down, twisting and crawling around. He goes to the store, runs errands, mows the lawn and lots of yard chores (we live on two and a half acres with lots of work to do). Or it could be in any room in the house. But lo and behold, he always finds them a couple weeks later, long after we’d quit looking, somewhere in the front yard (which is huge) sitting in the dirt in plain sight. I swear we’d looked in the exact spot he’d find it but it didn’t make its appearance until it was good and ready.
My husband isn’t great about remembering to clear his crystals regularly. But his crystals know they need a reset so they manage to find their way to the earth for a few days, making their appearance when their energy is rebalanced and they’re ready to be found. I can’t really explain it but I’ve heard the same stories from others that use crystals.
Programming/Charging Your Crystals
I think the terms clearing and charging are often used interchangeably, or more often there’s a misconception that crystals lose energy and have to be recharged. When you understand the science behind it, I don’t believe that’s true. For me, I use the term charge to mean infuse with Reiki or healing energy. To program your crystals is to set the intention for them, like giving them a job or a purpose. I’m particularly deliberate with the way I program my pendulums, which I’ll describe in another post.
Although crystals need to be cleared often, I only program my crystals once upon receiving it after it’s been cleared. If I’m gifting it to someone, I do this process holding in mind the person receiving it.
To do this, I like to cup both hands around the crystal and feel its energy. This is kind of a “getting to know you” time. Then set the intention by thanking it for its healing and protection. If you know the healing and metaphysical properties of your stone it can help you set more specific intentions. It’s important to set intentions that align with the properties of the stone. (I also infuse it with Reiki at this point but it’s not necessary.)
For example, black tourmaline is one of my favorite stones for protection and grounding. I keep one on my desk as it helps offset the damaging EMFs from electronic devices. I keep one in my purse and one in my car for protection while traveling. I keep one on my nightstand by the bed while I’m sleeping. So as I’m setting the intention I hold its purpose in mind and thank it for doing its job. “Thank you for your protection, for transmuting negativity, for protecting me as I travel, as I sleep and go about my day, for stability and keeping me grounded.” Then use it. Meditate with it. Get to know its energy and how you feel with it around you.
I hope these methods are helpful. These are my personal opinions based on my own experiences. Try a variety and see what works best for you and remember to let your intuition be your guide. Read my post here about why and how I use crystals for healing, in my daily life, and a little science about them.